Shelly Creek Restoration
MVIHES has received a grant from Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program to conduct restoration work on Shelly Creek at the top of Blower Road in Parksville. The objectives of the restoration work are to prevent more sediment from filling in the valuable fish rearing areas of lower Shelly Creek while improving fish habitat upstream through bank stabilization, channel stabilization, fish passage improvement, instream complexing and riparian planting. Right now there is no flow in the creek so this is the best time to conduct work. Prescriptions and other preparations for this project were completed in fiscal 2014-15. Pictured is a sign that lists other partners in the project. Be aware that the work is being completed on private property so if you go to view, please stay on the road – that provides the best vantage point anyway.
Day 1 – large rock was brought to the site and the first weir was started. Three weirs will be built in total to improve flow, erosion issues and facilitate fish passage.
Day 2 – first weir, and bank stabilization with rock and soil completed
Day 3 - second weir has begun, channel beginning to take shape
James is watering to pack loose soil between the rocks, and it keeps the site safe from fire caused by sparks
Days 5 – 9 – another couple of weirs under construction. Some finishing touches starting, such as the addition of spawning gravel. It’s looking great!
Stay Tuned For Further Developments!