Digital Library
MVIHES has created a full scale digital library of their many PDF reports from the past years for public reference. Are you looking for more information about the rivers and watershed in Mid Vancouver Island? Enjoy the new digital library.
Arman L. et al 2010 Water Quality and Invertebrate Assessment for the CW Young Channel.pdf
Baillie, S and C. Young. 2002. Salmon Escapement to ER 2001Report.pdf
Baillie, S. and C. Young 2003 Salmon Escapement to the ER 2002
Barlak, R. 2012 RDN Community Watershed Monitoring 2011 Data Summary
Barlak, R. 2013 RDN Community Watershed Monitoring 2012 Data Summary
Barlak, R. and L. Fegan. 2014. RDN Community Watershed Monitoring 2013 Data Summary
Barlak, R. RDN Community Watershed monitoring 2011-2013 Trends
Barlak, R. undated. Water Quality Assessment and Objectives for the ER Watershed Technical
Barlak, Rosie. Undated. Water Quality Assessment and Objectives for the ER Watershed Overview
Barnard, T. 1990 Englishman River Estuary Management Plan
Birtwell, I.K. et al 2013 Seaweed Harvesting East Coast VI biological review
Bocking, R. and M. Gaboury 2001 Englishman River Recovery Plan
Bravender, B., et al. 1997. Fish Species, Juv CN Diets and Epibenthos in the ER Estuary
Brusse, P. et al 2013 Seaweed Harvesting on Vancouver Island New Industry Regulation Needs
Buckingham, G. Analysis of ER Water Quality and Land Use Vulnerability
Buechert, R.D. et al. 2009 Caring for the Englishman River Estuary
Clermont, H. 2006. Financing Conserv Mngt in Parks; MABR Case Study
Clermont, H., et al. 2011. State of MABR; Global Climate Change in Mountain Sites
Cook, J. and S. Lewandowsky 2011 Debunking Handbook
Cornish, C. et al. 2006 ERWRP Info Stewardship and Education
Craig, J.D.C. 2002 Assessment of 2002 Steelhead Smolt Yield from the ER
Craig, J.D.C. 2003 Assessment of 2003 Steelhead Smolt Yield from the ER
Craig, J.D.C. 2012 Englishman Storage Feasibility-Shelton Lake Option PhotoPlates
Craig, J.D.C. 2012 Englishman Storage Feasibility-Shelton Lake Option
D.R. Clough Consulting 2013 ER Habitat Status
D.R. Clough Consulting 2019 Morison Creek Habitat Survey - 2018
Decker, A.S., et al. 2002 Contribution of Two Side-Channels to ER Coho Smolt Production
Demers, E. ER C. Young Side Channel Monitoring 2008-2015
Donald A. Blood & Assoc. 1976 Lower ER Environmental - Social Assessment EIS
Dumont J. 2017 Shelly Creek Water Balance and Sediment Reduction Plan - Technical Summary
Enos Lake Stickleback Recovery Implementation Group. Medium Term Management Plan
Enos Lake Stickleback Recovery Implementation Group. 2008 Enos Lake Study
Enos Lake Stickleback Recovery Implementation Group. 2007 and 2008 Enos Lake Studies
Fisheries and Oceans Canada 1999 MacBlo Channel 98E2 Construction
Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 2005. Canada's Policy for Conservation of Wild Pacific Salmon
Gaboury, M. 2003 Fish Habitat Restoration Designs for ER
Gaboury, M. 2005 A Strategy for Protection and Restoration of the ER Mainstem
Gaboury, M.N. et al. 2012 Habitat Utilization Improvement Opportunities in the ER Estuary
GW Solutions 2009 Englishman River Watershed Background Info
GW Solutions 2010 Lower ER Watershed Groundwater Surface Water Interaction
GW Solutions 2012 Lower ER Groundwater & Surface Interaction
GW Solutions 2014 Groundwater Flow Through Bedrock Contributing to the Englishman River
GW Solutions 2017 Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction in the Englishman River - Project Update
Habitat Aquisition Trust 2004 The HAT Manual Protecting Natural Areas in the Capital Region
Hamilton, R.E. and G.T, Kosakoski 1982 Water Requirements of the ER
Kasubuchi, T. and J. Cragg. 2007 Vancouver Island Anadromous Cutthroat Trout Revitalization Program
Lanarc Consultants ltd 2003 Parksville-Qualicum Beach Wildlife Management Area Plan
Law, P. 2016 Shelly Creek Stream Assessment and Fish Habitat Survey (2014, 2015) Report
Law, P. 2020 Shelly Creek Smolt Trap (2018, 2019) Report
Law, P. 2020 Englishman River Invertebrate Assessment 2019 Summary Report
Le Baron, B. Social Report Lower ER Social Assessment
Levings, C.D. 1980 An Account of a Workshop on Restoration of Estuarine Habitats
LGL & KWL. 2015. Fish Habitat Offsetting Plan for Bulk Water Supply Intake in Englishman River.
Matthews, I. and A. Eden 2005 Salmon Escapement to ER
Matthews, I. and A. Eden 2006 Salmon Escapement to ER
McCulloch, M.P 2005 Construction of Artificial Fish Habitat in the Englishman River
Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection. 2004. Vancouver Island Steelhead Recovery Plan 2003_2004
Nelitz, M. et al 2007 Helping Pacific Salmon Survive Climate Change Cas Studies
Norgan, R, and M.Sheng 2008 ENGLISHMAN RIVER Block 602 Side Channel Extension
Pellett, K. 2006. East Coast Vancouver Island Salmon Carcass Program, 2005
Pellett, K. 2013. A pilot study using PIT tags as an alternative enumeration method (draft).
Poulan, V.A. 2005. VI Riparian Restoration Recommendations and Prescriptions
Provencher et al. 2013 Aqueous Geochemistry of the ER Watershed
Riordan, B. 2020. C.W. Young Channel Wetland Assessment, 2019
Riordan, B. 2020. Englishman River Estuary Water Sampling Study
Rogers, T. 2022. Enos Lake Water Quality Monitoring Program 2021 Annual Report
Rosenau, M. and M. Angelo 2003 Conflicts between People and Fish for Water
Schick, J. and A.S. Decker. 2003. 2002 Update for the ER Smolt Enumeration
Schick, J. and A.S. Decker. 2004. 2003 Update for the ER Smolt Enumeration
Shawn Hamilton and Associates. 2009. Block 291312 Inspection Englishman River
Silvestri, S.W. 2007. Fish Habitat Rehabilitation in the Englishman River, 2006
Smith, F. et al 2003 ERWRP Information & Coordination 2002-2003
Smith, F. et al 2004 ERWRP Information & Coordination 2003-2004
Stephens, C. M. 2015 Lower Englishman River Watershed Wetlands Study
Taylor, J. and M. Wright 2010 Assessment of the 2009 Outmigration of Coho from the ER
Taylor, J.A. 2004 Assessment of the ER Off-Channel Habitat Contribution
Taylor, J.A. 2005 Assessment of the 2005 Outmigration of Juvenile Coho from the ER
Taylor, J.A. and M. Wright 2012 Assessment of the 2011 Coho Outmigration from the ER CY Channel
Tutty, B.D., et al. 1983 ER Esturine Restoration of Previously Dyked Slough
Warttig, W. and D. Clough 2004 Restoration Plan Centre Creek Sub-Basin
Waterline Resources 2013 Water Budget Project Ph 1 VI
Weston, S., et al.2013.Vulnerability of Lower ER to Modelled Climate Change
Wind. E. 2008 Storage Feasibility Environmental Assessment Shelton and Healy Lakes
Wright, H. 2003 Vancouver Island Juvenile Steelhead Stock Assessment